Posts Tagged ‘gray’

Yoga Erwin, TN
Starting April 29th and May 7th, there will be 2 new yoga classes in Erwin, TN offered in at Centenary United Methodist Church in Erwin, TN.
April 29th, Monday, this noon class will run for 6 weeks [April 29th – June 10th (we will not meet Memorial Day, May 27th)] from 12 pm – 12:40 pm. The cost will be $36; full payment at the first class is necessary. It will take 6 people to get the $36 rate. Drop-ins are welcome; the drop-in rate is $8.
May 7th, Tuesday, this evening class will run for 6 weeks (May 7th  – June 11th) from 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm. The cost will be $48; payment at the first class is necessary. It will take 6 people to get the $48 rate. Drop-ins are welcome; the drop-in rate is $10.
If anyone wishes to attend both classes, the rate for both will be $64.That’s just over $5/class.
If any of you require props (blankets, mats, straps or blocks), please let me know. I can help you acquire these.
I use these same props in teaching and for my own practice. They are good quality props.
I look forward to seeing you one and all.
Centenary is located at 203 N. Elm Street, Erwin, TN.  Phone: (423) 743-4342.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Crystal Gray
Remember to visit the “Yoga for the Health of It” site for your savings on a Reflexology Treatment + 5 Yoga Classes Spa Package. Go to for details.